Luke 1:37-38
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
Be it unto me according to thy word are not the words that come from a luke warm heart. The heart that utters with all sincerity and fervor, God I want what you want, no matter what you say that’s what I want Lord, this is a surrendered heart. In this heart flows genuine love and adoration. This is not a selfish heart. A selfish heart prevents divine purpose. A selfish hearts says what’s in it for me. A selfish heart hesitates and procrastinates, the call to true purpose.
A heart that trusts God is prompt to yield to His word no matter how inconvenient it may appear. A heart that trusts God is sensitive to the desires and ways of God, always seeking out ways to please Him. A heart that seeks to please God is neither a crowd pleaser nor a flesher teaser.
Be it unto me according to your word are not words of the weary and faint of heart but words of covenant keepers, promise finders and destiny seekers. They are words of faith!
Be it unto me according to thy word settles it. Anything else that is not unto his word, is not for us and does not come from him*