Authority defined: the right or power to enforce rules or give orders.
The Love of God is God. Therefore, Love has all power. Nothing is more powerful than the Love of God. Love has the right to enforce the rules of the kingdom of God in a Christian’s life. Love has a right to give orders. In any kingdom there may be different levels of authority but the ultimate or highest authority belongs to the KING.
The authority of Love has the right to over throw and rule, anything and everything that is legally subject to it. Jesus declared in Matthew 28:18, “Jesus approached and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”
Notice Jesus did not say some authority but rather, ALL AUTHORITY was given unto Him, in heaven and in earth. That authority was legally given to Him by God the Father, who is the only one that can delegate that kind of authority. After receiving all authority Jesus then delegates authority in His name to believers. Jesus demonstrated through His life here on the earth how to appropriate and operate in the authority of Love.
Love enforced the rules of the kingdom of God over nature, commanding peace and demanding calm. The sea, winds and waves obeyed.
Love enforced the rules of the kingdom over death, commanding life and people were raised from the dead.
Love enforced the rules of the kingdom over sickness and disease and bodies and minds were healed and restored.
Love enforced the rules of the kingdom over lack and increase began to flow, feeding multitudes.
Love enforced the rules of the Kingdom of God over bondage's and addictions and many captives were set free.
The scriptures teach us that we should be imitators of God. We should in other words act like He acts; do what He does, and say what He says.
According to Romans 5:5, the Love of God has been shed abroad n our hearts by the Holy Ghost. This being the case, we now, too, as believers have been given the legal authority to demonstrate and enforce the rules of the Kingdom of God.
You now have the right to cast out fear because you have been given the authority of Love. You now have a right to enforce health in your body. You now have a right to command freedom from depression and oppression. You now have a right to command nature and storms must obey you. You now have a right to do everything that Jesus did as a man anointed by God.
The authority of Love heals, builds and then reveals the glory of God. The authority of Love is in you right now, child of God, release its power, you have a right to do so. Permission granted…… by God!
Yes God love covers ALL