John 4: 4-6
And he must needs go through Samaria. Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.
Many times during the day and throughout our busy work week, God is trying to get our attention. God is trying to lead us to the well. Yes, the well.
The well is a place where sinners meet forgiveness. The well is a place where broken hearts surrender to the voice of healing. The well is a place where secret issues of the heart are uncovered and new life discovered. The well is a place where man encounters God. The well is a place where lonely hearts gather and find a friend that sticks closer than a brother. The well is a place where the lost are found. The well is a place where miracles happen. The well is a place where spiritual thirst is quenched with living water. The well is a place where chains of bondage are broken and every captive set free. The well is a place. The well is a place where eternal life flows. The well is a place where destiny is unveiled and our true God given purpose prevails. The well is a place where questions of the spirit and soul are answered. The well is a place of Divine appointments. The well is a place where the rejected and outcast encounters open arms of divine acceptance. The well is a place where fears are conquered. The well is a place where grace abounds. The well is a place where the anointing of God flows; lifting every burden, destroying every yoke. The well is a place where dreams meet reality. The well is a place of freedom.
Jesus traveled many miles one day to get to a well. His steps of obedience brought deliverance and life to a woman who was in desperate need of freedom. His steps of obedience changed a whole city.
Can God lead you to a well today? Maybe the well God wants to lead you to is a grocery store where a new widow needs words of encouragement. Maybe the well God wants to lead you to is a family member, a beautician, a bus stop, a hospital, a boss's office, a neighbor, a frightened child, an abused wife, a lonely single woman, etc. No matter the place there is grace to meet ever need. Open your mouth and let words of life and healing virtue flow and bring salvation to many.
Wow, it appears we all need to go to the well and take a laddle or two*