

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Appetite Suppressants!

We all have natural physical and spiritual appetites.

Appetite defined::
A strong desire or craving for something.

Similar words hunger, craving, taste, desire and passion. These words express the strength of the word. There are many things that govern people appetites. Culture, race, family traditions, geographic location, relationships, past experiences, etc. Most people don’t crave something they never had. The Bible says, oh taste and see that the Lord is good. God knows that once someone experiences Him, for real, they will want more. In the same light drug dealers, food advertisements , etc, want you to taste, see, feel , hear, smell what they have to offer , hoping you will develop an appetite for their product. Once appetites are established people will often be loyal to them.
We must develop in our spiritual appetite for God, it doesn’t just happen. We must continue to consistently partake of Him. Reading the Word of God and spending time alone with Him. God will begin to manifest Himself to us and we begin to want more and more.
However the enemy, Satan, wants to suppress your appetite for God through deceptive devices and strategies meant to drive you away from God and shipwreck your destiny. In the natural appetite suppressants causes a lack or decrease in hunger. When someone doesn’t eat the lose weight or stored body mass. The same holds true in the spirit. When we allow the enemies devices to suppress our appetite for God and His Kingdom we suffer lose. We begin to lose spiritual things that are vital for our victory and relationship with God. When we allow our appetite to be suppressed we stop eating the Word of God like we should or we just nibble on it with little or no desire or interest.
We must maintain a regular diet of the Word of God in our lives to be strong and effective in God’s Kingdom. We need strength to finish our God given courses and when we don’t eat spiritually our fruit begins to dry up. Little or no joy produces little or no strength.
When someone or something is suppressed it implies that they are; overpowered, overwhelmed, overturned, conquered, defeated, destroyed, subdued, crushed, put down, clamp down on, controlled and dominated.
You are loved of God! It is not Gods will for you to be suppressed in anyway. Begin to increase your desire and appetite for God and His Kingdom by positioning yourself everyday to partake from His table, which is, reading His Word and enjoying His fellowship. Cultivate an appetite for your spirit man that produces a greater desire to know God!

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