

Monday, August 23, 2010

No Mission Impossible!

The word mission:
• A special task given to a person or group to carry out
• An objective or task that somebody believes it is his or her duty to carry out or to which he or she attaches special importance and devotes special care.
Synonyms: assignment, task, job, work, charge, undertaking, duty, operation, exercise,calling, vocation, purpose, goal, aim, objective

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men [it is] impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

The word mission expresses passion for something. When someone has a passion for something they spend countless hours thinking and meditating about it. They get really excited when they talk about it; as a matter of fact they talk about it all the time. When they get up in the morning it’s not long before they are thinking about their passion or seeking about ways to fulfill it. They have great zeal and enthusiasm about this obsession of their heart and mind. They are generally very defensive about their passion never taking sides against it. The excitement in their eyes, the twinkle in their eye, and the pep in their steps are all visible evidence of their love for it.
Every mission of the heart is not necessarily from God. People can have all sorts of missions in life that will never amount to anything. Some people spent their whole life chasing vain fantasies. A person’s own imagination can create fantasy. A fantasy is an exaggerated mental image in response to an ungratified need. Fantasy can be a dangerous hindrance to a person’s Divine Destiny. God never said He would lead our lives through fantasy. He said the Holy Spirit would lead us in all truth. If your mission in life is rooted in fantasy you are off course and in danger of spiritual shipwreck. We sometimes create task or missions in our minds and then give them great significance and devotion. We attach special importance to these self-created missions and devote our lives on making sure it is fulfilled. Depending on the possibility of the fantasy, sheer human determination, fortitude and desire help them come to pass. We become so devoted that we began to cause this false mission to evolve.
When God is the author of our mission it will be root in the truth, His Word.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:7-8
When the seed that is sown comes from the old nature of fallen man, the mission of that seed will reap corruption.
The seed that is sown from God’s Word will always produce life and blessing. No seed or word from God is impossible of fulfillment. God’s word does not create fantasy but rather spiritual reality.
No mission from God is Impossible. A true mission or assignment from God always has an impartation of grace with it. An assignment should always be fortified in peace. God will never assign something that He does not expect to be fulfilled. Nothing is too hard for God. There are no impossibilities with Him. We must learn to trust God with our lives and not resort to fantasy. God will withhold no good thing from you. He does not set unreachable goals in our lives in an effort to try to frustrate us. God is on our side and He will cause good things to come your way. No Mission is impossible with Him!

1 comment:

  1. Make it plain, God's mission for our lives are possible no matter all big or daunting they may appear to us in the natural. Why, because it really is his mission that he has entrusted us to carry out.*
