God is a promise keeper. Whenever He says He will do a thing you best know He will come through and do what He said He will do. God is a covenant keeper. The word covenant means a solemn agreement that is binding on all parties. God will never forsake or negate His word but will always fulfill His part.
The bible declares in 2Timothy 3:1-5, that people would become lovers of themselves in the last days. Selfishness is the root of covenant breaking. When we see alerting divorce rates soaring high, this is a resort of selfishness. Selfishness is a work of the flesh, the lower sinful nature of man. The nature of sin was passed down to all man-kind from Adam after he was separated from God. The nature of sin was born out of hatred and evil, its father is Satan.
When we are born-again into the family of God, God gives us a new nature, the nature of Love. God is Love. The scripture says whatever is born of God overcomes the world. When we are living a life of love, there is no room in our heart for selfishness.
To be a covenant keeper we must live a life of love and selflessness. Love always believes the best of every person. Love always puts others before itself. Love always keeps its word because love is of God.
God promised us that He would Redeem man by sending His only Son to die for our sins…………and He did just what He said He would do.
God promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us……….and He never has and He never will.
God promised that He would one day send Jesus back to get His church……………………and He will.
God is a promise keeper.God does not just say things to gain our friendship or favor. He is faithful to His word. God has never spoken an idle word, He will always be true to you, and He cannot lie. God is a promise keeper, so whatever He has told you that He will do in your life, He will keep His promise……….always.
We are God's children if we are born-again. We should look like our Father in every way. If you grow up in a home with a mother and father present the children begin to mimick their parents. The begin to talk like them and walk like them and think like them and act like them. We are born of God therefore we should look like Him and act like Him. God has never done or said anything that He would not want us to hear or see. He has always provided for us an example of excellence and holiness. He has always exemplied purity and self-control. He has always given us an example of faithfulness and honesty. We have never seen Him cheating or wrongly treating anyone. He has never spoken a vain, slanderous or corrupt word. His words are always pure. We have the best example to follow in our Father. He is my hero.
We too can be like our Father in being a promise keeper. I am honored to look just like my Heavenly DAD!
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Promise kept, mine to you*