

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Being in The Will of God Is...Perfect!

Destiny defined:
  • someone’s preordained future
Preordain defined
  • :to decide in advance that something will happen. 
Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), [a]recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

God has a specific plan for your life. He did not carbon copy someone else’s life for you, no; He designed a specific plan and purpose with you in mind. God sees us as individuals not just as a crowd. God knows your end from your beginning because He created and orchestrated the plan. Nobody knows you like He does, He knows you inside and out.

The plan that God ordained for your life was designed to be fulfilled. God did not create a future for you that was impossible for Him to fulfill. However in order for God to fulfill His will in your life you must agree and cooperate with Him. God’s plan no matter how wonderful it maybe will not just magically happen in our lives. Many people live and die yet they never once lived any part of God’s perfect will for their lives. People assume whatever will be will be and that they have no say as to what happens in their lives. The Garden of Eden episode proves that thought process to be a big fat lie, straight from the kingdom of darkness. God had a wonderful blessed plan for Adam and Eve but they chose to disregard God’s plans and go with their own plan and now we see the results of that tragedy. You and I are not robots we have a choice, God made it that way, we must choose to follow His plans.

People like to wiggle out of their responsibilities blaming their current circumstances on God. They say, “Well this must be what God wanted, so who am I to argue with God.” How pitiful an excuse is that, blaming God for your bad decisions in life?

God created us spirits with the ability, granted by God, to make certain choices. That’s right certain choices because what is written is written. If you live a sin filled life here on the earth you cannot just up an choose to go to Heaven when you die, no you already made your choice for hell according to what is written.

God’s plan for your life is worth seeking out and fulfilling. It is the only thing that will satisfy your soul. It's not the will of man, not the will of the flesh but God's will. Who or what can separate you from the perfect will of God..............only you can by choosing your own will. Jesus said, "Not my will but yours be done"........talking to the Father. God's will is the only way.
Being in the perfect will of God is....... perfect!

Visit our website www.harrisministriesint.comwww.detoxifyingthesoul.com www.nurturingnuggets.netwww.themarriagemanual.netwww.beyondyourweight.com, and www.fellasofgod.com

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